Steve Walker Report Editor Steve Walker

Steve Walker is a Former Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Retired Teacher, Army Public Affairs Broadcast, Photo/Print Journalist, Master Sgt. Reservist (Vietnam Veteran, Desert Storm @ Pentagon) & former Balcones Heights Mayor Pro Tem & City Councilman. Also former President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce in 81-82, Harlandale Federation of Teachers President, 1999-2002

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Just a Thought" Column continues in La Prensa, 10-2

Just a Thought: Tino Duran turns 80
By Steve Walker
Last week Tino Duran turned 80. That particular Friday, the newspaper was also preparing its Sunday edition.

While we were celebrating his birthday in the newsroom at the Finesilver building, employees were still seated in their desks working feverishly to make the deadline. 

While many were enjoying the party, the staff continued adding the finishing touches to the paper including my column, ”Just a Thought,” until completed. Then they too joined in.

The room was overflowing with well-wishers, family and staff with the crowd estimate at well over 100. Many came to express their congratulations and joy for his many years and hope of more to come long life.

I was one of those staunch supporters. With his wife, Millie and his two daughters, Nina and Margie and sons, David, Steve and Tino Jr. by his side, it was a great celebration. Many of his wife’s family were also present and the atmosphere was reminiscent of an extended family reunion. His daughter, Margie, drove into town with her three daughters for the gathering.

With family members, coupled with friends, professional associates and even some local elected officials attended. Folks from all walks of life to include Judges Michael Mery and Sandi Bryan Marion and District Attorney Susan Reed. The two hour celebration was exciting to say the least and just plain fun.

Plenty of food and soft drink beverages and lots of stories and memories flowed within the newsroom. Numerous Duran long time family friends reminisced about how La Prensa became a premiere newspaper in San Antonio in 1979 when the Duran’s bought the paper.

Mr. Duran pointed out that some of the current La Prensa employees were there when the paper first went to press to include Millie’s cousin Robert Sanchez who is the technology and computer guru of the organization.

Staff photographer Roberto Flores was also there from the beginning. He covers many of the same local events that I cover for Steve Walker Report. (Formerly Walker Report) Roberto frequently stands next to me or in close proximity to me snapping photos at most events to include Tino Duran’s birthday party.

On rare occasion if Roberto is not available, I get to be the backup La Prensa photographer!

In true Tino Duran form, he shared with the history of the newspaper and how it all began with Millie coming up with the idea to start a bi-lingual newspaper in San Antonio. He reminded us that the Duran mission in life is raising funds for scholarships to assist students to attend college. As a retired teacher who taught in the Hispanic community that speaks to my heart.
Local radio personality and motivational speaker Sonny Melendrez spoke about his friend Tino Duran and presented a framed cross to him for his birthday. He shared various stories with the crowd, about Mr. Duran. Ironically, Sonny Melendrez and others were part of the previous “Just a Thought” column on Central High School Grads.

Tax Assessor Collector Albert Uresti whom I have also written about for La Prensa, showed up to present Mr. Duran a proclamation. The official document highlighted his many years of service to not only the Hispanic community, but to the entire community as well.

I also took the opportunity to publicly thank him for allowing me to write a Sunday weekly column for the past four years.

When it was over, cameras and cell phones were flashing as the Duran family posed for a family photo and then proceeded to hug or shake hands with everyone who attended. Obviously an established Duran tradition.
To Tino Duran, once again I say “Happy 80th birthday.”

As always, I write just a thought.

Steve Walker is a Viet Nam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace.

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